Ever since the 1.16 Nether update, the Piglins, as seen in the photo, have seen players taking a peek at their chests - okay, maybe taking a thing or two! In 1.16.2, the Minecraft team has released the Piglin Brute - a Piglin that’s so focused on guarding the Bastion Remnants’ chests that not even gold can distract them!
List of New Features:
Distortion effects such as nausea and the Nether portal overlay can now be reduced
At lower values, the nausea effect is replaced with a green overlay as an alternative visualization
Field of view effects, shown after speed modifiers are applied, can now be reduced
Chat delay has been added to the Chat Settings screen
Pressing F3+D now clears the pending chat messages
Bastion remnants:
Tweaked the Bastion Remnant chest loot
Chests in Bastion Remnants are now more likely to be positioned on top of gilded blackstone
Brewing stands can now be crafted with blackstone
Lanterns and Soul Lanterns can now be waterlogged
Crimson and warped fungus can now be placed on mycelium
Chains can now be placed in all orientations
Tools are now sorted based on material in the creative inventory
Totems of undying now give the fire resistance status effect for 40 seconds when activated
Endermen will no longer place their held block onto bedrock blocks
Zoglins can now be leashed
When a Zombified Piglin is spawned riding a Strider, it will now be holding a Warped Fungus on a Stick
Removed Herobrine
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! This is not a prank, I found this on Minecraft.net!!!
Added Piglin Brutes
Piglins now become angry with players who open or destroy a Chest Minecart
Tweaked bartering loot
Piglin Brutes are stronger versions of Piglins that live in bastions and protect the treasures there
Unlike the their cowardly and greedy counterparts, the Piglin Brutes cannot be distracted by gold and aren’t afraid of anything
Piglin Brutes attack players on sight, no matter how they are dressed
Piglin Brutes wield axes and don’t need any armor, because they’re just that tough
Respawn Anchors:
Modified how respawn positions are chosen for beds and respawn anchors
Respawn anchors will prioritize cardinal directions over corners
Beds will prioritize the side of the bed the player entered from and then spaces circling around the foot of the bed up to the head of the bed
Respawning players will now face the block that they respawned at
Placing players onto dangerous blocks is now avoided when possible
Villagers now emit green particles when joining a village, setting a home bed, or acquiring a job site / profession
Villagers now lose their job sites when changing dimension