About Our Blog
All about CookyLela News
- MAY 20, 2020 -
It all started with me and my friend Emily. We were REALLY BORED during the lockdown back then, so we had a really great idea. For a really long time, we wanted to start our own newspaper, so this was our chance. We first started one called LelaCooky News on Blogger, since those were our dogs' names. It was cool, but it was a bit too much work to post every day. So we abandoned it for a month or so.
- 1 MONTH LATER: JUNE 14, 2020 -
Then, I started to miss writing a newspaper, so we started another one on Google Docs. Then, we invited our chief designer Fatima, our chief photographer Léa, our chief artist Elena and our artist Alex to contribute. We switched the name around to be CookyLela News, we made it a weekly newspaper instead of a daily one.
My mom suggested finding a proper domain for the newspaper, and since we already had the domain lela.world for my minecraft server, we decided to use the domain cooky.lela.world to create this website.
Then, we added all the members we have today. I don't have room to mention all of you, but I congratulate everyone for all their hard work! I'm so, so proud of you all! Thank you guys, both readers and writers, for everything you have done up until now!
What is it that fuels you? For me, it's definitely CookyLela News. I love writing about my passions, what interest me, what interests others, and sharing all of my thoughts with our readers.
CookyLela News is truly our own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing our site and all of the unique content we have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!