10-year-old boy explores love of books on his podcast, R. E. A. D. Books with Josiah - By Felicia

Want to listen to the podcast? Check it out here.
I love listening to podcasts. My favorites are SciShow Tangents and Radiolab (recommended to me by Skye). What about yours? But there’s one interesting podcast I would really love to listen to, and that’s R.E.A.D, an astounding podcast created by a 10-year-old boy named Joziah Jason who wanted to share his love of reading with the world. This article will be all about the podcast and how he created it.
Three weeks ago, Joziah decided to start his podcast, R.E.A.D, which stands for “Read, Explore, Adore and Discuss”. In this podcast, he reviews books, highlights his favorite parts and aims to inspire others to pick up a book. He reads a part of them, explores some fun facts about it, and sometimes invites friends to discuss the book with him. Sounds like something I would want to do, considering we’re starting a CLN podcast!!!!! Actually, you know what? Forget what I said.
Anyway, here are some facts about Joziah:
His favorite author is Rick Riordan (mine is Margaret Haddix)
He loves mythology and fantasy books (so do I)
Ever since he was a small child, he always had a book in his hand (HOW SIMILAR ARE WE?!)
His first episode was a review of “Home of the Brave” by Katherine Applegate with his two friends and older brother
He loves playing basketball and football
He has a pet fish named Neptune
He knows how to code
He has listeners from all over the world
Want to listen to the podcast? Check it out here.